Fine Art Darkroom Printing

For the past 25 years or so David Pisani has also printed for other photographers wishing to make fine art prints from their negatives. Typically the photographer and David will discuss the project in detail (whether it is a single print, a portfolio or a full scale exhibition) before moving on to make contact sheets and proof prints. From then they discuss the best approach to the final print as well as the best paper to print on.
The Darkroom is fully equipped for fine art black and white printing. This also includes film processing (any format up to 10×8 inches) and contact printing.
David is currently equipped with 3 enlargers: a Fuji 4×5, a Meopta Magnifax 4 (35mm – 6x9cm) fitted with Schneider Componon-S lenses, and a Leitz Focomat llC (35mm – 6x9cm). A variety of top of the range enlarging lenses are available including some vintage lenses which produce softer results. The Leitz Focomat comes with matched Focotar Lenses and these are legendary in the way they print Leica 35mm negatives. Enlargers are typically equipped with a condenser set up but diffusion heads are available for all formats up to 4×5 inches.
The standard papers that are always in stock are fibre based Neutral tone and Warm tone (Bergger and Foma) on a glossy surface. All other paper types and surfaces are available to order. Maximum printing size is 80cm x 100cm.
Selenium and Gold toner is always in stock. All other toners are available to order.
Unless otherwise requested all prints are washed to archival standards and tested by the HT2 process.
Internegatives and positives can also be produced (on film – not digital!) for alternative processes and the darkroom is equipped to make cyanotypes.